The adventure begins

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I hope you can join us here and keep us both caught up on all the news in your your lives while we try to keep up to date on our -temporarily seperate- lives

Friday, July 24, 2009

blogging from England!

Me and Mom are well into our last night at our hotel here - it's 6:45 on a Friday, so we'll be heading to the airport tomorrow morning. Don't know when we'll have internet again, so I figured I'd post today to talk about all of our adventures in England.  Mom had to work Wednesday and Thursday, so I slept through half of Wednesday and spent the other half exploring. Thursday I spent a lot of time exploring. Friday (today) we went to London, and spent about 7 hours (including time on the train) there. It was a lot of fun, but our feet hurt now. I'll post up some pictures as soon as I figure out how. We went to Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London, among other places, but those were the important ones. I've gotten a couple souvenirs here - including one for my dad! - but the rest will have to wait until Germany, because we're leaving before any of the shops open tomorrow. The shops don't open until 10 here, and they close at 5 or 5:30, it's kind of weird. We got back to St. Albans today just before the shops closed, so we got our usual baguettes and cheese (can it be considered a usual if we've only been having it for a day?). Also, convinced Mom to say something, so...

Mom: We had a great time in London! Our first souvenir was an umbrella. Looking forward to showing Jillian Germany tomorrow.

So that's my post for the day =] I'll post again whenever we get internet in Germany.

1 comment:

  1. Jill, we hooked up with you on twitter, thanks to your dad. We've been enjoying your posts! It sounds like you are having a great adventure!
    Aunt Diane & Uncle Dale


city meet

city meet
A practice toss by Alex